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The happy men and women, and their story of love:


Name: Jörg
City: Bad Emstal

I also found my wife for the future after a short time here. Despite a distance of about 500km, we meet every other weekend in Prague or Kassel, we also see each other several times a day with Facetime, we get up together and go to sleep together, a dream could hardly be more beautiful. We just got back from our first vacation where we got engaged on Mount Etna. Soon we will move in together and in a year we will get married. We are glad that we met here.
To all seekers I can only give, keep your eyes open and let happiness find you.
Thankseeeee... Jörg

Name: Truk
City: Wien

I got to know my dream wife on this page ,, and can only recommend this page to everyone ,, the same thing, is the cooperation with the provider: online dating agency Czech single women ,, TOP ,, and leaves nothing to be desired ,,.

Truk, Vienna

Name: Franz
City: Salzburg

Hello !
So I found my dream woman within a short time. We then met for the "snooping" in Prague for a weekend and it sparked immediately with both.
We are still 450 km apart, visit each other regularly and it's just wonderful. Thanks to WA and Videochat you can communicate with each other every day.
Pavlina is learning the German language as well as possible and she will come to me later this year, according to the plan.
I can only recommend this platform. Fast, easy and uncomplicated.

Franz, Salzburg

Name: Thomas
City: Köln

Hello dear team of Czech dream women.

Thank you very much. I met my Miam from Slovakia here. She has already visited me and I will visit her at the end of January. We are in contact with each other every day. I think I have found my luck! Many thanks for everything.

Thomas from Köln

Name: Andreas
City: Halle


Thank you for allowing familiarization with Andreas, with whom he now feel satisfied. We graduated from the same humanities, and we got through this topic into conversation. We've been together four months and is already well along looking forward to our baby. Life is full of surprises ... Good luck to all become familiar. We send pictures of Oktoberfest in Munich 9/2015.

Iva a Andreas, Halle

Name: Uwe
City: Volketswil

Hi, I have found a woman of my dreams - she was the first one who wrote me. She is just perfect for me, my life experience and my heart tell me that. I wish all of you to find the right partner for the life here. Greetings from Switzerland.

Uwe, Volketswil

Name: Gopal and Michaela
City: New york
Gopal and Michaela

Michaela Matejkova:

Prague, Czech Republic On your website .... I was registered about 2 years, but I've been never active user. On Valentine's Day I was sad, so I decided to try again... and to take fate into my own hands. When looked for a partner, I have always focused on the hands and eyes. His eyes literally charmed me, and I have decided to write to him first. The next day he texted me on Facebook and asked for a friend request. Since then we wrote and called each other every day. After one month has passed and he surprised me a visit to Prague and then I've visited his home (NYC). On the way back at the airport he asked me to marry him. We are happily engaged, and we live together in New York and in February 2014 we are planning to get married . Thank you and would like to share our story so it can help others ... . I found my soul mate.Gopal Upadhyaya:New York, USA I was emotionally down and from work I have just decided to distract my mind and first time ever in the life I went on any dating site and very first day I got a message from this beautiful girl and only thing I paid attention to was her eyes and I felt click and next day was valentines day and I asked her to be my Facebook friend and since then we never looked back. My visit to Prague after one month of phone talk was just life changing for me. Here you go after traveling together a lot in past 7 months we have become soul mates and getting married in February. Only thing I would say is there is no boundary for love!!! Thanks you!!! In the end I only want to say Thank you very much for being part of my life story and I promise you that you will never be forgotton. Regards from

Michaela Matejkova & Gopal Upadhyaya, New York

Name: Bjoern
City: Hamburg

Dear team ... I still buzzing head for the past few days but I would like to thank you. Although there a website is "only", it has within 4 weeks changed my life. I signed up with you and just thought it can fold it or not. I had a few women wrote to the I liked, some have responded, some do not. Natärlich I was also contacted by ladies and I have polite and well-behaved answered without knowing what is there really to happen to me. J Eva had written to me, I had a lot of work and answered briefly, her pictures I had seen, but thought .. wow's a great woman ... if this is going right things ??? We have all heard this fake and lock birds from other sites and this whole frauds ... Then she wrote me off about your favorite shows places and hobbies ... and since we have had a lot in common ... Suddenly we were at the exchange email, pictures back and forth via email. She then gained Skype ... you just made a German course .. the first phone call only lasted 2 minutes, but this voice I will never forget ... We then emails really for 3 weeks, skype up in the night ( exchanged daily with very good translation program) and SMS ... Without realizing it are there happen to me .. in it .. we had our innermost being swept outward things .. they developed more and more to the people I was always looking for but which it could not give .... I always thought .... After 1 week a nice hotel in Prague had booked ... very romantic right on the water ... Eva lives in Prague and wanted me to visit , It was unbearable .. this wait ... and this journey into the unknown .... because I could only end of August, so wait 3 weeks ... anxious days count .... I had palpitations goes up to no more ( I am now 46 with not just a teeny, have been able to experience a lot and need and am a businessman ... but that was a completely unreal ride) ... I did not know what to expect ... I had tried something Czech to learn what I can only recommend to anyone here, man considerations and respect .... (REGARDS AND GOOD BENHEMEN are here GROSSGECSHRIEBEN !!!) I arrived at the hotel at 14h, at 18:30, I wanted to meet with Eva. .... The longest hours of my life .... So I made myself ready on time and really cleaned out .. The first impression was supposed to be something special ..... So I stood outside in the sun in front of the hotel at river and waited .... and waited ... and waited ... the people on the restaurant terrace saw me there and thought is probably their part ... I felt like 3 hours waiting for ... in reality it was probably only 5 minutes ... I heard my heart until I could hear nothing else .... Oh god ... I remembered ... as I welcome Eva really ???? our mails were what our feelings were concerned more than clear ... But I laughed on TV always this fool who falls in love with an internet acquaintance .. such idiots ... the reality is always really different ... I fool. ... you rasselst as in a fully embarrassing thing inside ... you run smack into something ... because ... I tunnelblick idiot .. I give you the hand, hug them ??? A küsschen on the cheek ??? Crap ........ how to actually welcome them .. they do not not want to offend ... I also verscrecken ... idiot ... how do I do that because now ????? thousand thoughts .... help .... And then: ................................. Then I heard nothing more, I could not see anything ... because my Eva came up to me ... !!!!! Never in my life will I forget this ... never .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eva I .... in a beautiful blue dress pinned up ... with gorgeous blue high heels ... the hair could not believe my eyes ... She came up to me, I went up to her ... and the hotel guests probably saw from the terrace all to what I no longer noticed .... I just saw her red cheeks Eva's lächelen .. ... my heart was exploding on .... And then we faced us, Eva wrapped your arms around me and kissed me, as I have probably not kissed for a long time .... WOW .... all were wondering ... when she clarified in my ear me Miluji breathed te ... there was anything so clear ..... we saw in the eyes and it was as if we had known for a long time ... I'll never forget it ... can my Eva was so beautiful, more beautiful than the pictures could have been guessed ... her gear, her smile .. she has me all the time viewed while walking ... we are then only 10 meters far come up to the next park bench .... we both had to put first ... We looked 2 as wedding guests .. rausgeputzt so ... a really nice couple ... We have an incredibly nice evening / night spent. Prague is amazing, beautiful and so incredibly impressive ... and it was hard to take it all in me ... because I had to watch my Eva all the time ... We have been eating, and then she showed me your city ... we walked 20Km felt and she has been through everything in these high heels .. she smiled the whole time I just looked and we laughed a lot .... We stayed 3 days every minute together and inseparable ... she really is my soulmate, all of which I have dreamed .. and I hope I can meet your needs ... next week is Eva for 2 weeks for me to hamburg because she had booked a course there .... now goes it remains to be seen, but not to the hotel but to me ..... how it goes then: For us, from this weekend to clear, we do not want to separate us ... us is the most precious gift that was there. . to find the man who was made for a true love .... ... a BIG THANKS TO YOU !!! Bjoern and Eve .. P. S. I then get back to you from ... MANY MANY THANKS TO YOU !!!! maybe you should time the men a dossier on your side hanging like this with the travel to the country unbkannte works ... and how to behave J ... but that one does not need be afraid ... here is one of the human and the openness and honesty heart ... be rewarded here.! Kind regards

Bjoern and Eve, Hamburg

Name: Fritz
City: München

I have found Kristina through your portal. She comes from Russia and I wanna only her. Thank you very much and I wish all the people the same good luck as I have had. Regards,

Fritz, München

Name: Ivo
City: Greiz

Dear team, thanks you and your employees very much :-) :-) :-) I have met my future partner Blanka from Klasterec nad Ohri. She is a really wonderful Czech woman. So that I can only recommend this service. Blanka 
and I (Ivo) have a lot of in common. My honey, I absolutely love you. We´ve already seen each other and we phone very often. I´d like to marry that woman and get older with her. My darling, I am here for you and 
your children. I already know that a great woman really exists in this world. Blanka, you´ve touched my heart because you´re in my soul, I love you so much. Your

Ivo and Blanka, Greiz

Name: Roland
City: Bad Langensalza

Hello, dear team! I was not involved this way for a long time and at the beginning I was rather sceptical, but it works. I have found my dream wife here and I am very obliged to you for it. Kind regards.

Roland, Roland, Bad Langensalza

Name: Marian
City: Regensburg

I have found my lasting sunshine in one, very lovely, from Most. I always believed that it will happen – it is nice not to think rationally,  to feel the tickling in my belly. Great!

Marian, Regensburg

Name: Franz
City: München

„…At first I participated in “” only for fun and I was not earnest about it. Why not to wait and see what happens? Already, after some days, I was in contact with Monika via email every day and it continued with 5-8 email pages after 1 or 2 weeks. We exchanged photographs. The emails became very familiar and, all round, we could expect to be almost thunderstruck once we met. Monika arrived in Munich to a fair two weeks ago. Finally, it was an optimal opportunity to get acquainted after 3 weeks. The first evening was like waves lashing because Monika was nervous. When we met the next day, it was better:-) Thanks for all, we can only recommend you…

Monika, Franz, München

Name: Horst
City: Stuttgart

On 23 May 2009, Kveta from Pilsen was just online……and I saw the woman I always used to see  in my dreams …I wrote to her and she answered the same evening. We saw each other the next day, the next week again and the next weekend has been already planned…Thank you very much…Fortune smiled on me! Kind regards…

Horst, Stuttgart

Name: Holger
City: Regensburg

Hello, my dear team!

I can only say - your site is very good! Kind regards

Holger, Regensburg

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My story of success has not (yet) been crowned with a strong partnership, but I found "my love" here. It's hard to keep and develop love. Especially when there are children and the parents have separated, a fresh start is difficult for everyone. Maybe "my love" will come true. Thank you for the many nice moments. I love the country and the people, for me it was like a dream. Thanks Holger, Vienna

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