
Christmas spirit with a woman from the Czech Republic

There is something magical about the Christmas atmosphere that brings people closer together. So why not use this opportunity to open your heart to new possibilities? A Christmas get-together can be the start of something beautiful and unforgettable, because at this time of year our perception of relationships and love changes. The Christmas spirit... (read all)

16. 11. 2023

St. Valentine

St. Valentine

St. Valentine's Day has its roots in the USA, however, its tradition has spread all over the world. People celebrate this festive occasion with their partners or take it as an advantage to meet the potential ones. Czech girls and boys were originally sending Valentine cards to each other, but these days there are more modern ways to show likin... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Autumn tips on dating

Autumn tips on dating

Summer with its long sunny days and thousands of activities to do is definitely over and we are facing much earlier sunset, coldness as well as a bit of the wet and cloudy weather. But that doesn’t mean one should spend autumn hidden at home full of doubts with a gloomy mood. The opposite is true. Now you are having much more free time to org... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

New Year`s resolutions? Meeting your life love

New Year`s resolutions? Meeting your life love

New Year is traditionally full of wishes and expectations. A lot of people make resolutions and believe to manage them successfully. If you are single and lonely, one of them might be finding a partner whom you would enjoy your life with. But where to start? Maybe you are really busy at work and there is no time to socialize and meet men or women f... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Indian summer as a good time to meet your life love

Indian summer as a good time to meet your life love

The summer is over but it doesn`t mean that since its end there will be no sunny days at all. It`s true that the summer is the best time to meet a possible life partner as we spend a lot of time outside, socialize and go on holiday, but nothing is lost if it hasn`t happened to you so far. There is also an Indian summer, which brings a big piece of ... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

How about a date in autumn?

How about a date in autumn?

Are you single and do you feel lonely? Why don`t you make an effort and start looking for a life partner? The autumn and upcoming winter doesn’t mean you should stay hidden at home and wait until the spring starts to bloom, just go online and find your partner there. It`s relatively fast, comfortable and the chances are much higher compared t... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Charm of dating at Christmas

Charm of dating at Christmas

Christmas is the time when people should never stay single and alone. They should have fun, stay with their families and enjoy this special time with someone they love and feel happy with. But what if there is no such a person? Then don`t grieve over it and find him or her. Take advantage of dark gloomy evenings and unpleasant weather and go online... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Czech women and their summer holiday

Czech women and their summer holiday

Czech women love summer holiday. Some of them make plans for summer all year round and are then prepared, the others are spontaneous and flexible and leave everything up to the last minute. Either they choose holiday on the spot or let themselves be surprised by their partners. Young girls love adventure and a holiday full of activities, mature wom... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Spring is coming

Spring is coming

After cold winter days the spring has finally sprung. It undeniably brings positive atmosphere into our lives and we all feel happier and full of energy. There is no more darkness in the afternoon, the snow and icy weather are over and sunny days lure us to go for walks and enjoy the first daffodils and snow whites blossoms. Nature is getting awake... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Dating at Easter in the Czech Republic

Dating at Easter in the Czech Republic

Are you planning to have an untraditional date with a Czech girl? Then plan it for Easter. Czech people keep a lot of traditions, some of which are worth experiencing or even trying. Girls dye eggs and give them to boys once they come to whip them with a rod so that they stay healthy all year around, people eat special pastry and a few other delica... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

May – the time of love

May – the time of love

May is said to be the time of love, so why not to prove it? Set off for nice trips, strolls and walks with your partner and enjoy all the beauties of late spring. Make him or her feel loved in this lovely time, in which the countryside is in its best, birds are singing and flowers blooming. Don`t forget about the tradition of kissing each other und... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Summer activities in relation to weather

Summer activities in relation to weather

Even though it is typical for June to shower us with tropical temperatures and hot sunny rays, this year June really plays with us. Hot waves alternate the cold ones, which means that one day it`s sunny and the other one it`s raining and temperatures drop to 10 degrees. So planning outdoor activities can be really challenging. And it`s even more co... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Taste wine with a Czech woman

Taste wine with a Czech woman

Even though the Czech Republic is well known for beer drinking, it`s men who mainly drink it. Czech women love wine. They drink both white and red wine depending on the season. This summer semi-sweet and dry white wine has been drunk the most, as there has been a really heat wave during which everyone needed to refresh himself. Drinking wine is als... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Take advantage of a long weekend in September and meet a Czech woman

Take advantage of a long weekend in September and meet a Czech woman

A long weekend in September, namely 26th – 28th, is just an ideal time to take fate into your hands and meet a Czech woman. These three days will give you plenty of time to get to know each other better and enjoy lovely moments together. September lures people to do lots of activities including food and beer festivals, so choose the ones you ... (read all)

29. 06. 2020

Tips on dates in harsh autumnal weather

Tips on dates in harsh autumnal weather

Cold windy autumn with showers doesn't seem to be a good time for going on dates, but the truth is you don't need to spend it outside. There are a lot of other activities you can do on a date that will make the time, during which you will stay with a person you like, pleasant and a nice experience. Firstly, check all the cultural activities happen... (read all)

29. 06. 2020
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